Graph Signal Processing Lab, Tongji University
00 分钟
Apr 1, 2023 → Apr 1, 2024
Temporal Signal Enhancement for Deep Learning-based 3D Image Sensors
Focused on the IQ raw signals collected by 3D image sensors, enhancing the temporal stability of imaging quality. The research includes 3D image sensor data analysis and simulation, establishing effective neural networks to improve picture quality, and conducting image quality tests with actual sensor data. Currently in charge of reproducing related papers and designing algorithm components.
Temporal Signal Enhancement for Deep Learning-based 3D Image Sensors
Focused on the IQ raw signals collected by 3D image sensors, enhancing the temporal stability of imaging quality. The research includes 3D image sensor data analysis and simulation, establishing effective neural networks to improve picture quality, and conducting image quality tests with actual sensor data. Currently in charge of reproducing related papers and designing algorithm components.
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